Mendrisio’s nomination for Casino Awards 2023

Mendrisio’s Nomination for the Casino Awards 2023 For the second consecutive year, ADMIRAL Casino Mendrisio has been nominated for the World Casino Awards in the category “Europe’s Best Casino Entertainment Venue 2023”. This marks the third nomination within a single year for the Mendrisiotto gaming house; in December 2022, it was nominated for the World […]
Also this year every day is Christmas!

At the ADMIRAL Casino in Mendrisio, Christmas has never been so exciting! From December 1 to 24, 2023 all guests who enter the gambling house receive a promoticket worth CHF 5, 50 or 100 or a gift! Every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the specified period, all visitors can spin the wheel […]
The new roulette rewards up to 100 thousand francs!

The new roulette rewards up to 100 thousand francs! Admiral Casino continues to renew its gaming offerings. In October, eight new “Quartz” terminals from Scientific Games were activated in the smoking area, and on December 1, a great new feature was introduced in them. Placed in front of the Admiral Cafe, these new terminals are […]
HC Ambrì-Piotta: a new love story

Field hockey Club Ambrì-Piotta and Casino ADMIRAL of Mendrisio announced at the impressive Admiral Poker Room a sponsorship agreement for the next 3 seasons with an option for an additional 3 years. Casino ADMIRAL will support HCAP as Gold Sponsor and will be present both on the ice of the Gotthard Arena and on the […]
Here the nomination for the Swiss Location Award 2023!

The Casino ADMIRAL Mendrisio has been nominated for the Swiss Location Award, the most important seal of quality in the events industry in Switzerland. In fact, since 2016 the Award honours the best and most beautiful locations in ten different categories. Once again Casino Admiral has been nominated for an award, as was the case […]
CHF 441,000 Easter with the Admiral Jackpot!

The most eagerly awaited jackpot at the Casino Mendrisio, namely the Admiral Jackpot worth CHF 441’088.62, was snapped up on Easter Day! The lucky player who scooped the Jackpot entered the Casino Mendrisio in the afternoon and took part in the promotion “In Mendrisio, the eggs are gold!”, which offered game vouchers worth 200 CHF […]